Production Time = 7-10 Business Days. Shipping & Delivery = 3-6 Days


All orders within Canada and U.S will be shipped by UPS. We will accept special requests for using Canada Post (for Canadian customers) or Fedex (for American customers). However we will only be able to process these requests if you provide us with your account number from one of these two delivery services companies.

Please note:

All orders are ready to deliver within 2 weeks.

Shipping is free of charge within Canada & USA -Hawaii, Alaska and Inuvik will be subject to a shipping surcharge. For shipping costs outside North America, please contact us.

All orders that are less than $100 in total will be charged shipping costs. Shipping charges are calculated based on total price.

If you still are not quite sure about the shipping methods or shipping times, please feel free to contact our friendly customer service at 1-888-821-1066.

Estimated Canadian delivery times

Estimated Canadian delivery times for Northwest Seat Covers

Estimated U.S. delivery times

Estimated US delivery times for Northwest Seat Covers

If you still have any question about our shipping policy please feel free to use our contact form or give us a call at 1-888-821-1066.